Facebook Family Feud Cheats
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Name something that you often have a hard time concentrating on.
On vacation, what do you fear you've forgotten to turn off at home?
Which Christmas movie is played most often over the holidays?
Saturday, August 28, 2010
Name the worst thing to lose while on vacation.
If you lived in "fairy tale land," name someone you might see at the grocery store.
Name a job which might require someone to work on Christmas.
Tell me something that gets passed around.
Name something your spouse might want you to do differently.
Name a type of alcohol that can quickly catch up to you.
Name something on a sandwich that might be slimy.
Tel me the age kids stop believing in the tooth fairy.
Name a drink or food that can be eaten either hot or cold.
Name something they sell in a survival store.
Name something that fast food rarely comes without.
Name a food that people get fed in romantic situations.
Name a male comedian, past or present, who's known for his monologues.
Name a function you have on your telephone, that your child doesn't have on their tin can phone.
Name something sold door-to-door.
What would you use to get gum out of your hair?
Tell me a person you wouldn't want to see at your bachelor/bachelorette party.
Name something you'd expect to find on a pirate's ship.
Name a job you should never apply for if you'd like waking up early.
Name something that an adventurous person might try while at the beach.
Name a reason why someone would move to another country.
What might some women love more than their spouse?
Name a reason why a woman wouldn't change her last name after marrying.
Name something you'd be shocked to see a celebrity wear on the red carpet.
Name your favourite filling in a Valentine's Day chocolate.
Name something that might be lying on a teenager's floor.
Name a word or expression that describes someone who's inexprienced.
Name a place where you always end up spending more than you planned.
Name an occupation whose title ends with "agent."
Name the worst food you can eat if you're on a diet. (Dessert is not an asnwer, be more specific)
Name something you do in the morning, before anyone else is awake.
If Santa Claus had a Christmas party, name someone he might invite.
If your dog learned to speak, name something he'd say he needs more of.
Tell me an occupation that a blabbermouth would fail at.
Name a sign the man you're dating is a caveman.
Name a feature of some cars, that you'd be surprised to find inside a bus.
What would you do in a job interview that would guarantee you don't get the job?
Besides ice cream, name a food that can be scooped.
Name something you might accidentally leave on all night.
Name a type of workplace that movies portray as fun for employees.
Aside from other movie stars, name a common profession for movie star spouses.
Name something that a person might ask to have signed.
Friday, August 27, 2010
Name something a woman might suggest her husband do to improve his appearance.
Which part of holiday preparation do you always put off til the last minute?
Name something you wear that never comes with pockets.
Name a gift you'd be likely to get as a housewarming present from your new neighbors.
If Paris Hilton went trick or treating, what might she request instead of candy?
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