Facebook Family Feud Cheats
Friday, September 10, 2010
Name a reason a couple might not want to have kids.
Name an odor that's so distinct, you know right away what it is.
Name something a person sitting next to you at a bar might do to annoy you.
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Name something you might see at a high school homecoming.
Name something about a celebrity's life that gets plastered on magazine couvers. (More specifict than "love life.")
Name the most important thing a couple has to pick out for their wedding.
Name a male performer past or present known for wearing outrageous clothing.
Name the thing you most fear doing during an important job interview.
Tell me something specific a detective looks for at a murder scene.
Where wyould you be embarrassed to admit that you can't remember someone's name?
Name something you don't want to do when you're tired.
Name something diet food is usually lower in.
Name something a supermodel needs to have just right.
Name an animal that you see on motivational posters at a workplace.
Name something that, once you do it, all the neighbours seem to start doing it too.
Name an inappropriate place for a couple to start smooching.
What do you order at the state fair, if you don't want to eat fried food?
Name a sport Shaquille O'Neal would look ridiculous competing in.
Monday, September 6, 2010
Name something you don't buy at the grocery store if you have a long walk home.
Name something California has more of that any other state.
Name a place you may keep your keys while swimming.
Name a place that gets crowded at the end of a work day.
Name a state where you'd find a lot of farms.
Name something a Disneyworld character is probably forbidden from doing while in costume.
Name a comedian that gets on people's nerves.
Other than a restaurant, where might you be served bad food?
Name a reason why someone might stay up all night.
No matter what your age, name something that can make you feel like a kid again.
Name something a little kid might tell you about Santa Claus.
Name a mistake you've made in your life that you are determined never to make again.
While vacationing, what might a cheapskate buy as souvenirs for her friends?
Name an "extra" you might pay more for at the gym.
Name an ingredient that you use in baking, but would not eat on its own.
Which terms for weather phenomena could a roller coaster be named after?
Name a place where you'd find colorful neon lights.
Name the worst thing to have to share with a sibling.
Name a type of professional that you seldom see joking around.
Name something kids do over their summer vacation.
Name something in your house you might have installed.
Name something a bachelor pad needs.
Name something you would probably have to do a lot of if you were a supermodel.
Name a sport that doesn't require a lot of equipment.
Name a TV gameshow you think you have a good chance of winning.
Name a U.S. city that's on the ocean.
Name an article of clothing that teenagers are too cool to wear.
Name something the three stooges do while fighting that you'd be surprised to see a pro boxer do.
Name something parents want their children to do in a certain way, but children often disagree.
In a hunter's lodge, what might the hanging deer head do that creeps you out?
Tell me how much you'd expect to pay for a bottle of wine at a fancy restaurant. (Numeric only with $)
Name an activity people might do on a Hawaiian vacation.
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